So at my work we use yahoo messenger to communicate with each other throughout the office. Every morning when I sign on it comes up with the top news stories for the day. It comes up with all different kinds of stories and the one I saw today that caught my eye was about ten random facts you don’t know about kissing. It discussed the amount of muscles used for a peck, which is two in case you were wondering and a more passionate kiss uses all the muscles of the face. The one that caught my eye was talking about how kissing releases the same neurotransmitters as sky diving and running. I was curious about this so I did some research. What I came up with is that your lips and tongue are very sensitive areas and are packed with nerve endings. Kissing causes those nerve endings to be stimulated and release the feeling of passion. The endorphins released are those similar to parachuting and distance running. I could not find the specific neurotransmitter in questions. I did however find some more fun facts. While kissing you experience euphoria because the body produces a substance that has 200 times greater narcotic effect as compared to Morphine. So apparently kissing is the thing to do so don’t miss international kissing day on February 5th. J
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